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Time, Speed and Distance Calculator

This converter and calculator requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. This is composed of three sections to do classic Time, Speed and Distance calculations. In the Time calculator, enter the distance value and conversion units designation. Then enter the speed value and conversion designation for it. Click on Calculate Speed. In the Distance calculator, enter the speed value and conversion units designation. Then enter the time value and then select the conversion designation for the distance answer. Click on Calculate Distance. In the Speed calculator, enter the distance value and conversion units designation. Then enter the time value and then select the conversion designation for the speed answer. Click on Calculate Speed. The Calculate buttons and the Clear Values buttons only effect the individual calculator associated with that button, not all values on all three calculators.

Time Calculated by Distance and Speed

Enter distance value and units:
Enter speed value and units:
Time is: Hours Minutes Seconds

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Distance Calculated by Speed and Time

Enter speed value and units:
Enter time: Hours Minutes Seconds
Distance is (select units before calculating):

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Speed Calculated by Distance and Time

Enter distance value and units:
Enter time: Hours Minutes Seconds
Speed is (select units before calculating):
Version 4.8.1

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For Time Calculators, Converters and Tables

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06.04.2008 00:03:49


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