Frequently Asked Questions
1. Does WorkSafe expect order picking
to occur at no more than 60 items per 120 minutes?
No. WorkSafe recognises that many warehouses
work at much higher pick rates and expects the higher rates will continue.
The message for such warehouses is that if the weight and the location
of the objects exceeds that in the diagrams, it is likely that a high
risk of injury exists. Selecting a conservative pick rate of 60 objects
per 120 minutes allows WorkSafe to underline this message - if it's
high risk at this rate, it must be higher risk at much higher pick rates.
2. Is WorkSafe banning picking from
above shoulder height?
No. In some rare situations in warehouses
this high-risk activity might be justifiable depending on the nature
of the object, the duration of the work and the frequency of pick.
The weights given in the diagram are for
situations where the object is lifted, as compared to slid, dragged
or pulled.
3. Is WorkSafe banning weights below
knee level that exceed those in the amber zone?
No. The weights given in the diagram provide
guidance for manual order picking in warehouses where the object is
lifted. Different higher weights would apply if the load is slid, dragged
or pulled |