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A Guide to Manual Order Picking

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Over 280 claims from manual order picking injuries occur in Victoria each year, at a cost of $11.5 million. And that's just the recorded claims. The true figures are much higher. This clearly shows that manual order picking is an injury black spot. To help combat this, T&S Industry Program have developed new guidance material to assist employers in meeting their legal obligations. The Guide to Manual Order Picking outlines work practices that employers must legally comply with to meet WorkSafe's expectations, including the high risk work practices they need to avoid, and the lower risk solutions they can put in place (including equipment and layout alternatives and suggestions).

View the Publication an. au format PDF 773.85 Ko (792419 octets)

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4questfreq_faqrorder_picking_fr.php  fr  4versanSafetyBasics-Faq_FrequentAskedQuestphp

5Basesseciritaire-autresissuesdentrepot.php fr  5versanSafetyBasicsOtherwarehouseissues.php an

Dossiers parents :

Voir:  manutention charges equationreviniosh    picking\picking_1.php   manutention_generalites.php  et  introduction_ergonomie.php   prelevementosha_usa.php Navigation guide order picking  :  sur site 25/03/2005 guidecueillettemanuelledordre- fr  [methode_dupicktolightsystems.php ]

the8knowledgeoforderpick_an.php  preparation_reassort8secrets_fr.php 13/04/2005


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